How does GDPR impact the collection and use of bulk email data?

How does GDPR impact the collection and use of bulk email data?

Blog Article

The General Data Protection Regulation is commonly referred to as GDPR. Since the regulation came into existence, it completely changed how organizations processed personal data, including data about bulk emailing. In May 2018, GDPR was approved with the guarantee that it would treat privacy in regard to individuals from the European Union and Economic Area. Any organization capturing email data should know how it's going to affect them.

The Essentials of GDPR

Following are a few key data protection principles of the GDPR:
Consent: A structure should not process personal information without first getting free and specific, informed and unambiguous consent from the individuals whose personal information is being processed.


Organizations should inform an individual how or why they are processing personal information. This includes B2B Database notice of their rights in relation to their data.
The principle of data minimization: A firm shall not collect more data than what is required for a particular purpose. This invites organisations to narrow their scope of collection of information .

Implications of Bulk Email Data

1. Consent Requirements
Under the GDPR, consent for mass emailing is also more restricted. Consent confirms that an entity receiving messages have positively opted to receive communications. This involves not considering any pre-checked boxes or even silence as valid consent. The organization should record such consent and at every time give an easy way to the data subject to withdraw their consent.

2. Right to Access and Erasure

GDPR gives rights to access in regard to personal data, as well as rights to erasure. That means marketers have to have systems through which they can address such requests without much hustle. In case a recipient decides to opt out or requests data erasure, it is upon the organization to do so without delay, and that is a complex task when managing large-sized e-mail lists.

3. Accountability and Documentation

It also has to be able to prove that it can adhere to the various principles inducted within the General Data Protection Regulation. This includes recordkeeping of processing activities and records of consent to show that this was given. For a bulk email marketer, this is only possible by good data management and, where necessary, investing in new technologies that will smooth the path to compliance.

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